James Kin is a 2019 graduate of the University of Colorado Law School. James’ focus is commercial and appellate litigation.
Prior to graduation, James clerked at Chipman Glasser from June 2018 through October 2019, during which time he worked closely with our attorneys on a number of trials and appeals, while also gaining valuable experience in discovery and alternative dispute resolution.
During law school, James was an Associate Editor for the University of Colorado Law Review, Rothgerber Teaching Fellow, Research Assistant, and a member of several independent reading groups dedicated to the study and discussion of critical legal theory and jurisprudence. And to be better prepared for the practice of law, James focused heavily on practical classes, more than doubling the ABA’s requirement for experiential coursework.
Having spent almost a decade working in restaurants James developed a deep commitment to client service and a keen recognition of the value of rigorous preparation. When not in the office he spends his time at the climbing gym (or the crag on a nice weekend), hiking in the front range, or making a mess of his kitchen.
Chipman Glasser LLC
Of Counsel, 2019 – Present
Education and Honors
J.D., University of Colorado Law School, 2019
Associate Editor, University of Colorado Law Review
Rothgerber Teaching Fellow, University of Colorado Law
Research Assistant, University of Colorado Law
B.A., University of Oklahoma, 2012
Colorado, 2019